Category: Life tips

Does Sleep Change With Age?

Does Sleep Change With Age?

There’s nothing quite like waking up well rested after a full night of sleep. For some people, that’s 10 hours and, for others, it’s only 6. Whatever amount of sleep you need, it likely depends on your age. We typically need less and less sleep as we age. This coincides with the rate at which we’re growing during the earlier periods in our lives. While the amount of sleep you need varies between every person, there are certain stages that...

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The Cosy Bedding Style Guide

The Cosy Bedding Style Guide

Are you redesigning your bedroom and not sure where to begin? The easiest place to start is the focal point of the bedroom, which is—you guessed it—the bed! A bedroom...

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How Often Should You Wash EVERYTHING?

How Often Should You Wash EVERYTHING?

We may be in the midst of summer, but it’s never too late to begin your spring cleaning. In fact, a clean, organized home has been found to reduce stress...

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Choosing the Perfect Bedroom Color Palette

Choosing the Perfect Bedroom Color Palette

A well-designed bedroom serves a bigger purpose than just looking good. It promotes better rest, success, happiness, and overall togetherness in your life. No pressure, right?  It doesn’t need to...

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The Ultimate Stain Removal Guide

The Ultimate Stain Removal Guide

Life gets messy and accidents happen. Surely, many of us have experienced pure panic after a spill and have frantically searched “how to remove _______ stains” on the internet.  Luckily,...

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7 Foods That Will RUIN Your Sleep

7 Foods That Will RUIN Your Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of human life. It’s a time for your body to relax, rest, and recuperate. What if we told you something simple may be disrupting your...

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How to Properly Clean Your Mattress

How to Properly Clean Your Mattress

The mattress is the foundation of a good night’s sleep - literally! But how well are you caring for your mattress? Chances are you’ve never given your mattress a second...

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5 Common Dreams and What They Mean

5 Common Dreams and What They Mean

Dream interpretation is not a new phenomenon. However, as humans have become more and more aware of what they are dreaming about, patterns have begun to emerge that may explain...

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7 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

7 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

You wake up in the middle of the night. You’re tired, but your mind won’t stop racing. You turn over to your side, then the other side, and back again....

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How to Fix 6 Common Sleep Problems

How to Fix 6 Common Sleep Problems

Do you struggle with sleep? If data can be believed, an average of 164 million Americans has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep every night. While there is a myriad...

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7 Ways to De-Stress During a Pandemic

7 Ways to De-Stress During a Pandemic

In the midst of a global pandemic, many have been feeling the weight of stress and anxiety pressing down on them. In fact, with coronavirus cases only going up, it...

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A Bedroom Designed for Sleep

A Bedroom Designed for Sleep

Getting the perfect night’s sleep has become somewhat elusive for many Americans. It can be a struggle to stop the tossing and turning. Have you ever wondered if your bedroom...

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Should Your Pets Sleep in Your Bed?

Should Your Pets Sleep in Your Bed?

Did you know that in the United States over 85 million families own at least one pet? With American’s love of animals, there are many people and many families that...

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What Happens When You Sleep?

What Happens When You Sleep?

Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Most of us drift into interesting and sometimes fantastical dreams that get forgotten by morning. But there’s more to sleep than...

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Rules for Healthy Sleep

Rules for Healthy Sleep

We all know that sleep is important and everything about the way in which we sleep and our sleeping arrangements are incredibly important. Not all sleep is created equal though....

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How to Fight Insomnia

How to Fight Insomnia

Insomnia is not as rare as you might think. In fact, 1 in every 4 Americans experience some form of insomnia during their lifetime. As frustrating as it can be...

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10 Healthy Sleep Tips

10 Healthy Sleep Tips

Let’s face it; sleeping can be hard! Falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up on time, and the like are all problems that humans face every day. What if we told...

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7 Tips for Waking Up Early

7 Tips for Waking Up Early

You’ve always wanted to have a productive morning routine. Getting up early, getting ready, taking a stroll with the dog, and sitting down to breakfast, the whole time feeling relaxed...

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What Happens When You Don't Sleep

What Happens When You Don't Sleep

Sleep is an important part of staying healthy. We need 8-10 hours and blissful, uninterrupted sleep to really take on the challenges of everyday life. But what happens when you...

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Yoga for Better Sleep

Yoga for Better Sleep

Falling asleep is tough. We totally get it! Just like you, we’re on the search for the best methods for falling asleep quickly. No one wants to be up past...

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Lose Sleep, Lose Your Sanity

Lose Sleep, Lose Your Sanity

We all know sleep is important, especially as we get older. With our lives becoming more and more hectic, it can be easy to skip on sleep in an effort...

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Your Guide to Buying Bedding

Your Guide to Buying Bedding

Raise your hand if you believe that you know what you’re doing when it comes to buying bedding? That’s what we thought. Many of us think we know, but when...

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4 Tips for Keeping Warm at Night

4 Tips for Keeping Warm at Night

Maybe it’s the raging winter or maybe it’s an overpowered air conditioner, but somehow you find yourself cold every single night. You’ve layered every blanket in the house, but nothing...

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5 Common Sleep Myths DEBUNKED

5 Common Sleep Myths DEBUNKED

Did you know that ⅓ of your life is spent sleeping? Imagine that, ⅓ of your life will pass without you even being conscious of it. There are thousands of...

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How to Get a Great Night's Sleep (Even When Your Partner is Snoring)

How to Get a Great Night's Sleep (Even When Your Partner is Snoring)

Sleeping with a partner in the bed can be a rewardingly intimate experience. It can also be a massive pain in the rear. Check out our tips for the most...

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Are Naps Healthy?

Are Naps Healthy?

From babies, to toddlers, to their sleepless parents, who doesn’t love a good nap?  When I was younger, I used to turn my nose up at naps. “That’s for babies!”...

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The Best Teas to Start Your Morning

The Best Teas to Start Your Morning

Green Green tea is one of the most popular teas for boosting energy in the morning. There is an incredibly wide range of health benefits to drinking green tea. Studies...

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How Firm Should My Pillow Be?

How Firm Should My Pillow Be?

How much do you think about your pillow? All the time? Never? Most people put little thought into their pillow even though it plays a pivotal role in your sleep...

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3 Ways to Save on Home Decor

3 Ways to Save on Home Decor

We all want to come home to a gorgeous, well decorated home at the end of a long day. There’s something about walking into a beautiful room that can give...

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Tips for Getting to Sleep Faster

Tips for Getting to Sleep Faster

Imagine laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, physically tired but unable to sleep. Time ticks by and you can’t help but imagine the hours of sleep you’re losing because...

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Tips for the Perfect Morning Routine

Tips for the Perfect Morning Routine

I don’t know about you, but I am not a morning person. Some people can spring out of bed at the crack of dawn. Unlike those people, I find myself...

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5 Reasons You're NOT Sleeping

5 Reasons You're NOT Sleeping

Studies show that 1 in 4 Americans develop insomnia each year. It’s a growing problem, leading many to seek simple solutions to improve sleep quality. Today we’re going to give...

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Products That Solve Your Common Sleep Problems

Products That Solve Your Common Sleep Problems

We all have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep from time to time. Unfortunately, some of us experience nightly problems which make it consistently difficult to sleep. What if there...

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Bedding that Brings You Joy

Bedding that Brings You Joy

Marie Kondo, Japanese organizing consultant extraordinaire, has taken the world by storm with her Konmari Method of organization. She emphasizes the importance of everything in your life sparking joy; if...

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Are Your Detergents Toxic?

Are Your Detergents Toxic?

Did you know that your detergent could be toxic? That’s right! Manufacturers are adding chemicals that have been linked to numerous health problems and could affect you and your family....

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Try These 5 Bedroom Changes Tonight, Trust Me

Try These 5 Bedroom Changes Tonight, Trust Me

Have you ever felt like your room is in a rut? It’s the room in which you spend the most time, but sometimes it can become the last place you...

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4 Secrets to a Gorgeous Bedroom

4 Secrets to a Gorgeous Bedroom

Chances are, you've walked into a bedroom, either in someone’s home or even Ikea, and fell in love with how well everything fit together. Maybe it even sparked feelings of...

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How To Have A House That Practically Cleans Itself

How To Have A House That Practically Cleans Itself

You may already feel that clutter and grime eat away at your soul, or maybe you’re totally nonchalant about dirty dishes in the sink or toast crumbs on the counter....

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How A Cleaner Pillowcase Combats Acne & Allergies

How A Cleaner Pillowcase Combats Acne & Allergies

Clean sheets have been a universal panty dropper since the beginning of time. But did you know that the well-being of our skin and immune systems actually depend on it?...

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4 Resolutions For A Healthier, Happier Home in 2019

4 Resolutions For A Healthier, Happier Home in 2019

Give your age-old New Year’s resolution a reboot with this easy guide to a toxin-free home in 2019! Is it just me or are New Year’s Resolutions losing their sparkle? Between...

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Is Your Pillow Toxic?

Is Your Pillow Toxic?

We rest our heads on them every night. Maybe, we even drool on them a little. Something so fluffy and soft couldn't be toxic. Right?   What do you think of...

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5 Things Well-Rested People Keep Out Of Their Bedrooms

5 Things Well-Rested People Keep Out Of Their Bedrooms

How you set up your room can make or break a good night’s sleep. It’s not rocket science, but most of us tend to overlook the small but significant details...

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5 Ways to Cozy Up Your Bedroom for Fall

5 Ways to Cozy Up Your Bedroom for Fall

With the air getting a little crisper each day, all we want is to curl up in bed with a sweet, hot beverage. If your bedroom's lacking the sweater-weather vibes, now’s...

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Where Your Money's Really Going When You Buy Expensive Sheets

Where Your Money's Really Going When You Buy Expensive Sheets

If you have a fondness for royally soft, plushy sheets, but make, say, an average-person’s amount of money, we have good news. Everything you know about sheet cost and quality...

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